Upcoming Area Meetings
City-Times Staff
Wood County
June 30: Employee Wellness Board meeting, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM in room 115 of the Wood County Courthouse.
Up for discussion is the Wisconsin Public Service’s Wellness Program, a Tobacco Free Campus Policy and Wood County wellness program goals for 2015.
July 1: Conservation Education and Economic Development Committee, 9:00 AM in room 113 off the Wood County Courthouse.
A presentation will be given on the Wood County 2015 Farmland Preservation Plan.
Up for discussion and possible action is the setting of a fee for establishing the boundary of existing cranberry farms under the new floodplain ordinance.
July 2: Highway Infrastructure and Recreation Committee meeting, 8:00 AM in Room 115 of the Wood County Courthouse
Updates will be given on all highway construction projects, yearly allotments for the Wood County Wildlife Area and Frac Sand projects.
Wisconsin Rapids
No agendas are available for the following meetings at this time:
July 6: Planning Commission Meeting, 4:00 PM in the first floor conference room of City Hall.
July 7: Human Resources Committee Meeting, 4:00 PM third floor conference room of City Hall.
July 7: Finance & Property Committee Meeting, 5:00 PM first floor conference room of City Hall.
July 7: Public Works Committee Meeting, 6:00 PM first floor conference room of City Hall.
The Wood County Courthouse is located at 400 Market St. in Wisconsin Rapids.
The Wisconsin Rapids City Hall is located at 444 W. Grand Ave.