Police & Sheriff Calls Feb. 11
City Times Staff
Stalled Train: At 9:54 a.m. a call was placed from a resident regarding a train stalled at 17th Ave. South and Bonow Ave. for over 15 minutes. The resident wanted it on record, and the incident has been closed.
Lost Ring: At 10:25 a.m. a call was placed to dispatch from the 400 block of E. Grand Ave. regarding a lost wedding ring. Luckily, the ring was found and taken to the police department where it was picked up. The incident has been closed.
Unsafe Driving: At 4:21 p.m. a call was made from a concerned resident regarding a driver on 26th St. North by Highway 54. The driver was driving a truck all over the road and on curbs, including crossing over the center lane. A report was made and the incident has been closed.
Property Damage: At 6:29 p.m. a call was made from a complainant regarding her ex-boyfriend on the 700 block of Grove Ave. The complainant alleged that her ex-boyfriend kicked her recycling bin. A report was made and the incident has been closed.
Prowler Alert: At 2:50 a.m. a call was made from a concerned resident on the 300 block of W. Grand Ave regarding a possible prowler. A suspect in question had his vehicle parked with the lights on and was seen walking around inside the residence. Turns out that he was a part of the cleaning crew for this business. The incident has been closed.