Wood County Parks to Open on Apr. 29
For the City Times
According to a press released by the Wood County Park and Forestry Department has announced the opening of all parks on Apr. 29.
The following campgrounds and parks are available as of this date:
Camping: Three campgrounds are available (Dexter Park, South Wood County Park, and North Wood County Park). Self-registration (camping on a first-come, first-served basis) is done at the campground prior to Memorial Day weekend.
For reservations beginning from May 25, and later, you may logon to www.co.wood.wi.us/departments/parks and make your reservation on-line. Or, call (715) 421-8422 Monday through Friday from 9AM—3 PM with a MasterCard or Visa.
Shelter Rental: There are four enclosed, two open, and one year round shelter available for rent for your special gatherings. These can be reserved one year in advance of your event.
Boating & Fishing: Lake Dexter, Lake Wazeecha and Nepco Lakes provide a variety of activities from fishing to boating (pass required for boating…$5.00 daily/ $20.00 annual) and swimming. (Beaches open officially on Memorial Day weekend and there are no lifeguards on duty at any time).
Passive activities: There are many passive activities that can also be enjoyed in the parks such as hiking, biking, picnicking, disc golf, playground areas etc.
New in 2016: Effective January 25, 2016, Wood County Park Ordinance, Chapter 600 .07 – C. Unlawful Firewood. It shall be unlawful for park users to bring outside firewood into any Wood County Park facility, shelter, land or area. Untreated, clean, and fully debarked dimensional lumber may be brought in for burning. Down and dead wood may also be gathered inside the park for burning. Chainsaws are not allowed to be used for this purpose. Wood County shall have firewood available, for purchase, at each of its designated campgrounds.