New Pipe Tech Software Approved
By Joe Bachman
New software that would better access water pipe issues in Wisconsin Rapids was approved on Wednesday by the Wastewater Treatment Commission.
“It’s going to change how we take care of our sewers, how we maintenance and access them,” said Wastewater Treatment Superintendent Jim Netzel. “It will greatly aid the engineering department in deciding where to spend the money best as far as projects go.”
The software, called Envirotech, helps access cracks, breaks, joint separation through computer software to help engineers better identify problems, and solutions. The data will integrated with the existing geographical information system for Wisconsin Rapids wastewater treatment.
The software will cost roughly $37,000, however, the money has already been budgeted for the new tech addition. A bid for sewer lining for Chestnut St. recently came back with a figure much lesser than expected, leaving more than enough room in the city budget for the Envirotech software.
“It’s light years ahead of what we’re doing.” said Netzel.
The motion to buy the software was approved unanimously by the commission.