Letter: City Not Being Accountable to Voters
To the Editor-
Ok , I have seen it all! Zach Vruwink thinks we need WiFi at Robinson Park. A place that might be used four months out of our year, but lets spend $70 a month /$840 a year for a space that’s not utilized for 8 months?
Ok , better yet lets spend $42,000 on some new furniture for my staff and I. Yeah, Zach you’re full of great ideas with the taxpayers money! Thank you .
As for myself, a homeowner / property tax payer that also grew up here in WR. Having experienced 3 sewer/ wastewater back ups into the basement of our home because of roots and debris in the pipes along / under 15th Street North between Irving and Norton streets from the city’s sewer / wastewater lines…we have gotten nothing but grief.
Although we have gotten feces / urine into our home from these city maintained pipes my wife and I have been told they the city is not responsible. Would someone please tell my wife and I how we can better maintain these pipes because we don’t want any more back ups…someone tell me who is responsible for our city streets and public works?
I will tell everyone reading this That my wife and I have been ignored by our alderperson, I have been ignored completely by the city finance committee and refused payment of destroyed items/ property and thousands in cleaning costs we incurred because of these back ups.
So certainly lets throw $840 dollars a year at a park that’s empty 85 percent of the time cause Zach thinks we need it, lets throw 42 grand into some office furniture so Zach and his staff can be comfy 9-5 Monday thru Friday…but first off lets ignore the very citizens that contribute to this ludicrous behavior.
Because of this my wife and I have sold our home that’s been in our family since 1954. I do not want to contribute to this irresponsible funding any longer. Also like to thank Tom Rayome for all the help as our alderman he provided I and my wife during our problems and clean up efforts ….just kidding Tom you were absolutely no help to us at all!
Jeff and Ohlie Saylor
Wisconsin Rapids