Nekoosa FBLA Hosts Regional Leadership Conference
For the City Times
On Feb. 4, the Nekoosa chapter of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) hosted the Region II Leadership Conference at Nekoosa High School for over 650 students, advisers, and guests.
Nekoosa was well represented by 62 members who competed in business related events to try and earn a trip to the State Leadership Conference in Appleton in April.
25 north-central Wisconsin high schools were in attendance for the event, which was started by the Nekoosa FBLA Officer team, and a welcome by High School Assistant Principal and Activities Director Megan Kautzer.
Following the opening session students were focused on competitive events or attending workshops. Wisconsin FBLA-PBL Foundation Executive Board Member John Werner and a panel of young professionals from Appleton shared their experiences with community involvement and business success.
Following the completion of the competition and while scoring was being finalized, students were able to enjoy lunch and get up and moving to music and karaoke in the gym. Region II’s Got Talent is always a hit with students who after a morning full of bus rides, tests, and presentations, get a chance to have a little fun while waiting for results.
FBLA is also a proud supporter of the March of Dimes and Nekoosa was the only regional to have a March of Dimes family share their experience with the students in attendance. Over $230 was raised and sent to the state office in Madison to be donated to the March of Dimes and research to help prevent premature birth and save premature babies.
In each event the top three finishers get the chance to move on and compete against students from other regions to try and earn a trip to nationals. Nekoosa will be well represented at state with 32 students advancing to Appleton.
FBLA members who finished first in their events are:
Mackenzie Boivin (Future Business Leader); Josh Anderson, Kade Lancour, and Jordan Milkey (Network Design); Elizabeth Henriksen (Electronic Career Portfolio); Garrett Heuer (Cyber Security); Nick Humphrey (Computer Problem Solving); Shannon Sorbo, Hannah Bulin, and Haylee Glaza (e-Business); Madison Battmer, Emma Henriksen, and Madison Lloyd (Web Site Design); Max Boivin (Intro to Financial Math); Aspen Joosten (Public Speaking I); Hailey Brown (Intro to Business Communication).
Second place finishers were:
Bridgette Cyboran (Client Service); Josh Dillon and Caleb Doebereiner (Management Information Systems); Andrew Fuhrmann (Organizational Leadership); Samantha Gellerup and Eve Wenzel (Management Decision Making); Hannah Knuth (Healthcare Administration); Rachel Liebherr and Emma McKeel (Global Business); Nick Eidenschink, Isaiah Dillon, and Trent Waltenberg (Public Service Announcement); Amanda Schaefbauer (Intro to Financial Math).
Third place winners advancing to state are:
Rebecca Carlson (Healthcare Administration); Jack Felter (Computer Problem Solving); Sydney Spang (Public Speaking II); Makenzie Amundson and Megan McKeel (Graphic Design). Other top five finishers who narrowly missed the chance to advance were Jorge Ontiveros, Halee Evenson, Brett Anderson, Alaina Bechard, Anita Jaimes, Britt Cyboran, and Gracie Moffett.
As a chapter Nekoosa also walked away with some honors. They were awarded second Place in Regional Community Service Project for their work with the March of Dimes. Nekoosa also finished in second Place for Regional Outstanding Local Chapter, finishing behind first place Marathon by only 23 points. This is the highest overall finish the chapter has ever had at a regional and the most students it will ever send to the state conference.
Nekoosa was given the opportunity to host this conference because Mackenzie Boivin is serving as the 2016-17 Region II Vice President for Wisconsin FBLA. This is Mackenzie’s second year as a state officer and along with the other chapter officers have worked very hard to increase participation and quality in the local chapter.
Other members of the officer team are Elizabeth Henriksen (President), Emma McKeel (Vice President), Rachel Liebherr (Secretary), and Bridgette Cyboran (Community Relations).