Veterans Honored at Legacy Stone Ceremony
By Joe Bachman
WISCONSIN RAPIDS — Multiple Wood County veterans were honored in today’s legacy stone ceremony.
Originally slated to be held on the Wood County courthouse lawn, inclement weather moved dozens into the Fine Arts Center at McMillan Library to pay their respects for veterans; past and present. The legacy stones represent the names of those who served in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm and Iraq, as well as during peace time.
“They simply did what the situation called for,” said Sheriff Thomas Reichert in his address to the many on hand regarding the veterans being honored. “Sometimes glorious and heroic, sometimes repetitious; sometimes just simply hard work. Veterans did these things, great and small, for all of us. They did what they did for their families, but also, yours and mine.”
Among those honored were Evert (Glen) Cox, who was drafted into the Army during World War II. Cox fought in the Battle of the Bulge and ended up in a German prison camp in 1944 until he was freed by the Russians.
Vietnam veteran Dale Paulin will also be honored, as his name was added to the memorial wall outside of the courthouse. Paulin served from 1970-71 and died in action.
Other names honored include:
Rudolph Wener — World War II
Peter Werner — World War II
James Werner — World War II
Harry Werner — World War II
Donald Henry — World War II
Howard Henry — World War II
Clifford Lewis — World War II
Arthur Neinfeldt — World War II
Clarance Neinfeldt — World War II
Robert Grode — World War II
Marvin Klevene — World War II
Roland Klevene — World War II
Gerald Klevene — U.S. Navy 1952-56
Jim Janz — Navy
Rae Ann Janz — Iraq
Edward Hellner — National Guard
Michael Hellner — Desert Storm
Andrew Hellner — National Guard
Ronald Gansch — Vietnam
Chester Homann — Vietnam
Robert Jenkin — Vietnam