Letter: City Going in Opposite Direction
To The Editor:
There is an old saying, “If you want nothing to get done, form a committee”. That is exactly what the mayor has been doing in his 3 terms. But instead of volunteers, he’s hired consulting firms and spent thousands of tax payer dollars with no results.
After six years of promising us new businesses, growth and prosperity our city is going in the opposite direction. And the mayor sits by and does nothing. Now he wants us to believe that the airport renovation is all due to him. NO, it’s because the Sand Valley Golf Course located in the town of Rome.
In spite of loosing property tax revenue the mayor’s budget for 2018 is 40% unfunded spending (debt) along with a 7 million dollar line for the proposed new water park and according to my alderman, Terry Dolan, they have no idea where the money will come from. But they passed the budget anyway.
We need help and it will only come if we can elect a new mayor, one who understands what it takes to have a balanced budget, manage our taxes wisely and bring in businesses.
Mary Jo Hane
Wisconsin Rapids