Central Wisconsin Area Community Theater presents ‘Smell of the Kill’ in February
For the City Times
STEVENS POINT — You are cordially invited to a dinner party at Nicky and Jay’s. The Venison is hot and the revenge is cold.
Central Wisconsin Area Community Theater (cwACT) is proud to present Smell of the Kill, a dark comedy written by Michele Lowe, February 2-3, 9-10 at 7:30 p.m. and February 4 and 11 at 2 p.m. at Sentry’s Theater @1800, 1800 Northpoint Dr. in Stevens Point.
Director and Wisconsin Rapids native Wendy Fait and her cast tell the story of three unhappily married women who find themselves in an interesting situation: their husbands have become locked in a meat locker. Could this be the answer to their problems?
Fait has worked with other area theaters, and is excited to be directing for the first time for cwACT.
“I absolutely am loving my time directing this wonderfully talented cast. cwACT has been so welcoming and wonderful to work with both as an actor and now a director.”
Area actors who bring these characters to life are: Mary Nowinski, Emily Grabenstein, Amber Fait, Steven Witt, Scott Price, and Dave Hanlon.
Tickets are $12 and available in advance or at the door. For more ticket information, please call the cwACT Box Office at 715-498-2339 or choose your seats online at www.cwtickets.com.