Police & Sheriff Calls for Jan. 3-4
Jan. 3
Stolen Purse: At 10:03 a.m. a report of a stolen purse was made from a store on the 900 block E. Riverview Expressway. It was later found inside the same store it was reported lost.
Sneezy: At 5:08 p.m. police were notified of an unknown person in the apartment above the caller’s on the 900 block of Ninth St. South. The caller heard banging, footsteps, and sneezing in the apartment, when it was known that said neighbor was at work.
No.: At 9:06 p.m. reports were made to police regarding a 42-year-old man who had been allegedly calling the complainant’s 15-year-old daughter in attempts to date her.
No. of Accidents Reported: 2
Jan. 4
Inappropriate Touching: At 12:11 p.m. a call was made to report “inappropriate touching” by a clerk at a store on the 2400 block of Eighth St. South.
Followed: At 7:53 p.m. a call was made concerning a vehicle that had followed the caller home and blocked him in the driveway at a residence on the 900 block of 11th St. North.
Hit-and-Run: At 10:17 p.m. a hit and run accident was reported in the area of Second Ave. by the Expressway. The vehicle in question was either green or black and may have had disabled plates. The vehicle later located by police and a citation was issued to the driver.
No. of Accidents Reported: 3