Letter: Thank You to All Who Participated in SWCHS Christmas Bazaar
To the Editor:
On December 9th and 10th the South Wood County Humane Society held its annual Christmas Bazaar at the Nekoosa Community Center. The proceeds of this event support the care of over 1,000 animals that come into our facility annually.
Thank you to Nekoosa Community Center and to Dan Schmidt for being a gracious host; our sponsors: Bill Beichl Insurance, BowWow Meow Boutique, Ruesch Companies, Stuff It Storage, WoodTrust Bank, Siems Repair, Happy Paws Grooming, Herman Taylor Funeral Home and Woodland Veterinary Clinic. To Cravings, Ocean Spray and Party Time Cakes for our shopper’s tasty beverages and treats. Heartfelt thanks to the bakers, those who donated Christmas and homemade items and our raffle contributors. To the Friends Group and the many new volunteers, who spent countless hours setting up and working at this event, we could not have done this without you! We appreciate everyone who spread the word throughout the community.
We are truly grateful to everyone who supported the Bazaar. If not for your patronage, these events would not be successful. Even though this event lasts two days, it is worked on throughout the entire year. Please keep us in mind when donating as accept your Christmas items, holiday lights, and gift items all year long.
From the Board, volunteers, staff and all our furry friends at the shelter we wish you a happy and healthy 2018. View adoptable pets and upcoming events on our website www.swchs.com.
Kim Kelnhofer