Letter to the Editor: Rome candidate speaks on election
Dear editor,
What I need you to remember after reading this is why three people living within footsteps of each other in the same condo complex on Archer Lane are running together for the town board is not good for Rome.
Once again, they will have a quorum before they even get to the town hall for a board meeting! How does that fairly represent the interests of all Rome’s citizens?
Transparency on all topics? Closed door meetings? The doors have been closed more than ever before. Fewer meetings. One meeting a month in the winter and those are missed.
When are they making decisions? Rome came this close to losing their full-time police department. That was within the first two months after their last election together. Did you see an item on an agenda for discussion and possible action?
The quorum of three has seats on the Tri Lakes Mgmt. District Board and the 14 Mile Creek Watershed Committee. They do not live in the Rome’s Lakes District.
That means they are not members of the Tri-Lakes and do not pay Tri-Lakes fees on their property tax bills. I’ve paid it for many years and want results too!
Yet the one, if reelected Town Chair, will again serve on the Tri-Lakes Management District Board making decisions about collecting that money from those of us that do.
He voted for a big increase in 2019’s Tri-Lakes budget. How will it be spent? More yard signs for $2,400?
Our lake water quality last summer was worse than ever. Earlier algae problems. High E. coli levels with no public warning! Two local governing bodies jointly working on water issues with important test data………and no public warning!
The quorum of three’s contribution to lake water solutions? Support? No substantiated commitment from the town board! No money! No real plan for a real solution to work towards!
We all know that the Rome’s first wave of growth and success was based on the lakes that were created when the Spring Branch and 14 Mile Creeks were impeded. We need to work with the money offered us and with those already finding solutions with proven results for their lakes. They do exist!
We all need to understand that the second wave of growth and success will be based on the continued support of the recent economic shot in the arm that Rome has experienced. The development of the Sand Valley Resort and the WI Trapshooting Home Grounds. These developments continue to have tremendous impact on the quality of life Rome offers its residents and visitors.
Rome’s local businesses see the positive economic impact. Rome’s home values and sales show the positive economic impact. Rome’s housing starts show a positive economic impact. Younger people are moving here for full time jobs with benefits, starting families and needing day care confirm the positive economic impact.
Rome’s elected leaders have a responsibility to protect our small community by dedicating themselves to year-round service, finding solutions, and planning for a prosperous economic future.
Lake water quality is one element of Rome’s success. Economic growth the other. Together they allow Rome to succeed by choice not chance and that is what will add the greatest value to your personal property!
Please vote on April 2 for Djumadi supporting real planned economic and community growth and HASDAL supporting real solutions to our lakes water quality!
Thank you.
Lori J. Djumadi
Nekoosa, WI