Rapids automated garbage collection begins July 8
For the Rapids City Times
WISCONSIN RAPIDS –The city of Wisconsin Rapids will implement an automated garbage collection service with carts, beginning July 8. This updated garbage collection system will be similar to the recycling collection system successfully implemented in 2017.
Automated residential collection service consists of specially designed 96-gallon or 48-gallon carts for garbage. The collection vehicles are equipped with mechanical arms designed to lift the carts, empty the contents directly into the collection vehicle, and return them to the ground. In addition to enhancing efficiency and convenience, automated collection is much safer for workers, reduces the chances of pests and rodents getting into trash, and provides a cleaner look in neighborhoods when compared to manual collection.
“The much anticipated launch of automated garbage collection will provide a safer work environment for city staff and offer greater efficiencies so we may continue to address other street maintenance activities,” said Mayor Zach Vruwink. “No reduction in staffing will occur with the change.”
Property owners and residents will receive a letter that explains the delivery and collection process prior to, or coinciding with, cart delivery. Customers should be aware that their garbage/recycling collection days may change, and a new route map will be put in place, so it is important to read the information provided with the letter. Detailed information, frequently asked questions with answers, and updates also are available at the City’s Garbage & Recycling website page under Public Works/Streets Department.
The city will keep property owners and residents updated as the precise timelines for cart delivery and automated garbage collection become available. In the meantime, customers who are considering replacing their garbage can(s) should be aware that once the automated process begins, only carts issued by the city will be allowed.
Delivery of carts for garbage collection will run June 24 – July 5, with service beginning on July 8.
For more information, call the Wisconsin Rapids Street Department at 715-421-8218.