Young named First Responder of the Year for 72nd Assembly District
For the City Times
NEKOOSA – Wisconsin Rapids Fire Chief Scott Young has been named the 72nd Assembly District First Responder of the Year. Chief Young was recognized at the Hometown Hero ceremony held by the Wisconsin State Assembly at the State Capitol on Oct. 10.
“Chief Young is a 27 year veteran of the Wisconsin Rapids Fire Department, and is dedicated to the safety of the citizens of Wisconsin Rapids and the state of Wisconsin. I am thankful for Chief Young’s commitment to public safety both on and off the job, and honored to have the opportunity to recognize his service to our state,” Representative Scott Krug (R-Nekoosa) said.
While off-duty and enjoying dinner after a day of fishing in July 2019, Chief Young was made aware that a patron of the restaurant was experiencing life-threatening complications due to chronic obtrusive pulmonary disease. Without hesitation, Chief Young utilized his training and experience to perform life-saving resuscitation until the individual regained the ability to breathe independently and make a successful recovery.