Rapids and Point mayors attend roundtable talks in Washington D.C.
By Taylor J. Hale
Staff Writer
STEVENS POINT – Wisconsin Rapids Mayor Zach Vruwink and Stevens Point Mayor Mike Wiza recently returned from an Affordable Housing Roundtable discussion in Washington, D.C.
The talks were part of a federal initiative to determine municipal housing issues, and connect with state mayors to find solutions.
Thirty-five mayors from across the nation gathered in D.C. for the conference.
The White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs sent out the invitations to state officials after President Donald Trump signed an executive order to organize the White House Council on Eliminating Barriers to Affordable Housing earlier this year.
HUD Secretary Ben Carson of the White House is spearheading the operation. Carson was at the conference to hear input from state leaders.
Wiza said that the gathering offers Wisconsin mayors a chance to “think outside the Wisconsin box” and gain insight into housing issues across the nation.
“Obviously, we have different challenges related to housing, but at the root of everything, it’s all the same,” Wiza said.
The conference was held to generate ideas on how to better improve affordable housing opportunities for citizens across the country. The roundtable conversations provided a platform for local leaders to be heard by national officials.