From the Editor: Changes that coincide with mail delivery
Dear readers,
As we near the date of our conversion to United State Mail delivery of our publication, we wanted to note a few changes that will coincide with the conversion on Jan. 15.
The new delivery method will allow us to provide our free publication in certain areas of the community that were not previously serviced, while others may be adjusted in the publication they receive or the zip codes in which it is received.
In addition, our publication will be able to provide service to those living outside of our communities at a designated subscription rate.
Our publication will also maintain multiple bulk racks for free pickup at local businesses, to provide additional availability in the communities we serve.
As we make this transition, deadline for advertising will change to Thursday at 5 p.m. Editorial deadline is also Thursday at 5 p.m.
Please be patient during this transition, as we work to improve our service to the community and the advertisers that support our publication.
Wishing you the very best in the new year.
Kris Leonhardt