From the Publisher: Independence Day
Dear reader,
The Fourth of July should connote special feelings for Americans. We can speak, pray, earn, spend, and live freely.
When we live within the rules, we have wide latitude to live our lives. And for those of us who step outside the rules, there are established procedures that try, however imperfectly, to apply the law with fairness and impartiality.
We owe a debt of gratitude we can never repay to the brave soldiers who fought and died in the American Revolution, and to the long-headed statesmen who so wisely crafted our Constitution. Thanks to their foresight and courage, the United States remains the most enduring democracy in the world.
So beyond the hot dogs, the fireworks, and the general merriment that comes on any holiday weekend, say a prayer for those who died fighting for our freedom, and say a thank you to those who served or are serving in our armed forces. Freedom is a rare state of being in this world which we should recognize as a gift, not a privilege.
Patrick J. Wood