Call for mural artists
ROME — The Town of Rome is seeking artists for the community’s first public art project. The project will be a mural on the east and south sides of the Town’s Public Works building. This building is highly visible from Highway 13, making it an excellent location to kickoff additional public art projects throughout the community.
The mural project guidelines are general. Artists should be imaginative in making use of this space. The proposed building is metal and artists are encouraged to paint directly on to the building, however, we will accept proposals that use other mediums instead of the metal siding. An ideal project will capture the identity of our community, be vibrant and welcoming, and recognize the significance of this being the Town’s first public art display.
Please note access doors should be included in the overall design of the artwork provided.
Submissions are due on or before 4 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24. Please contact Jami Gebert at [email protected] to obtain a submission form.
Submissions should include: Images of your concept (preferably shown on the space); An explanation of the concept and its goal; A budget and timeline for the completed work; Artists resumes, including references and images of other completed public art projects.
A selection committee will judge the proposals on the following criteria: The quality, originality, and appeal of the concept; The concept’s ability to capture the identity and feel of the Town of Rome; The concept’s appropriateness for this public area; The artist’s budget and proven capacity for timely completion of the project.
Submitted project budgets should include artist fees, note the quality of materials and the necessary prep work to ensure a lasting, high-quality public art piece for an estimated ten-year lifespan. Plus, provide desired in-kind support, such as volunteer assistance with wall preparation, scaffolding or painting. The completion of this project is dependent on funding and other in-kind support.
Artists must be available to complete this project over the summer of 2023. The selected artwork and its likeness will become the property of the Town of Rome, which reserves the right to use the image for promotional and retail purposes.
If you have any questions about the project, please contact the Town Administrator Jami Gebert at (715) 325-8025.