For the City Times
WOOD COUNTY – Central Wood County Fire Departments are hosting open houses on Oct. 18, where each agency will feature a fire prevention/safety-related topic.
The following departments are participating offering these topics: Arpin fire department, smoke and CO detectors; Richfield fire department, kitchen safety; Pittsville fire department, candles and matches and holiday decorations; Vesper fire department, child seats; Remington fire department, wildfire/outdoor fire safety; Cameron fire department, fire safety house; Hewitt fire department, fire extinguisher training; and Lincoln fire department, electrical safety.
The events will be held 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., and each family attending will be given a punch card to take to participating fire departments. The family must attend four of the eight agencies and participate in the teachable event to be eligible for a grand prize – a gift card for the Chula Vista in Wisconsin Dells.
Each agency will have other items on display, drawings, or fire prevention tool reminder giveaways.
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