To the Editor:
I commend both the City of Wisconsin Rapids and the South Wood County YMCA on serious pursuit of aquatic options for the region.It is clear that aquatics is of significant importance in our history and to our future. With a history of five area municipal facilities it is also clear how important local access has been in our combined histories.
As a city resident and YMCA member I am interested in collaborative solutions that will provide access to all in our region, not just city residents and not just YMCA members.I believe it is critical that the solutions (multiple) are developed collectively with all area municipals and stakeholders invited and welcomed to the table and that the residents from all municipals are allowed to have their voices heard as the best solutions (multiple) are developed and deployed.
As we strive to meet the needs of our region and to enhance a community that can attract and retain young families, these facilities (multiple) will play an important part both in the aquatics access that they provide but also as a testament that our region can work together for the benefit of the region and not just individual interests. I understand the desire to do something now and the tension and balance between doing something timely but also doing something well.
For solutions (multiple) that will last for generations I believe it prudent to strike the right balance. An example could be a strategically located and accessible splash-pad that can provide one of the solutions (multiple) in a timely manner without neglecting the need for additional information and input from the greater region as well as appreciation and understanding of the collective work done previously so that all stakeholders that would like to participate and generate access for their residents can do so.
Rick Merdan
Wisconsin Rapids
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