Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Letter: Gorski Will be More Effective Than Krug


To the Editor:

Support of David Gorski

Driving through Central Wisconsin, I noticed the big, Krug campaign signs saying "Keep Wisconsin Moving Forward". On what side of the planet is Mr. Krug living? Just look around you; Wisconsin has problems that need to be addressed NOW.

Drive our state highways but be sure to wear your old football mouthguard. Stop for lunch in a rural establishment but have second thoughts about asking for a glass of clean, nitrate-free water.

Take a canoe through the blue-green algae that chokes our lakes in late summer. Drive by a public school where disgruntled, overworked teachers look down rows of students 7 deep. Remind your neighbor that part of our tax dollars are going increasingly to unaccountable, private, voucher schools. It's not a pretty picture! Focus on an economy that is the slowest ever to recover from a "great recession".

Scott Krug does not have the answers. He has dropped out of all remaining debate appearances to let "dark money" finance his radio and TV spots. He has abandoned the fight against excessive HCW drawdown of our aquifer and voted against his own groundwater protection bill.

He only acknowledges the heroin/methamphetamine epidemic in Central Wisconsin; but offers no plan to combat it. And what does he campaign on -- the safe pledge to make public schools his "top priority".

His attitude seems to be -- I'm a three-termer; I'm safe; Why rock the boat?

I worked with Dave Gorski for 18 years at Nekoosa Public Schools. He knows education. He's offered well thought-out ideas to attack the problems that plague Central Wisconsin. Make him your next 72nd District Assemblyman onNov. 8.

Bill Leichtnam,



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