Lincoln High School has been recognized by the Wisconsin Advanced Placement Advisory Council (WAPAC) as a Pacesetter school in Advanced Placement.
Lincoln High School received a Level 3 placement.
The impetus of this recognition is to recognize access and excellence regarding Advanced Placement. Pacesetter schools have provided impressive student access to AP courses and posted excellent AP exam results.
The Pacesetter Award is unique to Wisconsin and emerged from WAPAC members who felt that many outstanding school districts in our state lacked recognition for AP excellence. In particular, WAPAC was interested in highlighting districts that are seldom recognized for their excellence in AP.
The data for the WAPAC award is readily available from WISEdash data released from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction at
WAPAC’s goal is to focus on increasing participation by recognizing Pacesetters or leaders in AP to encourage other districts to promote both access and excellence.
WAPAC is proud to announce this year’s Pacesetter Award schools at Level 1 increased by five schools from the previous year. This Pacesetter Award celebrates success of individual schools and is not a competition or comparison between schools. For this reason no data comparing schools will be released.
2016 Pacesetter Results (*2015 AP data) | 2015 Pacesetter Results (*2014 AP data) | 2014 Pacesetter Results (*2013 AP data) |
Level 1 schools 16 | Level 1 schools 12 | Level 1 schools 7 |
Level 2 schools 32 | Level 2 schools 36 | Level 2 schools 36 |
Level 3 schools 92 | Level 3 schools 85 | Level 3 schools 89 |
Note: 424 public schools were data mined for 2015-16.
The Wisconsin Advanced Placement Advisory Council is comprised of Wisconsin secondary and collegiate educators who are dedicated to expanding access to AP coursework and rigorous learning for all college bound students. To learn more about WAPAC visit:
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