Lock Your Doors: At 3:27 p.m. a call was placed from the 200 block of 9th St. South regarding a complaint that the caller's vehicle was rummaged through.
Seriously, Lock Your Doors: At 3:59 p.m. a call was made from the 500 block of 13th St. North regarding a camera, estimated at $700, stolen from an unlocked vehicle.
Television Thief: At 1:34 a.m. a call was placed to dispatch from the 2200 block of Chase St. in regards to a complaint that her estranged husband took her television.
Drifters: At 1:39 a.m. a call was made regarding a vehicle "drifting" around the roundabout near 2nd Ave. There were other complaints that the same car was weaving all over the roadway down 8th St. South.
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