For the City Times
WISCONSIN RAPIDS – The Neighborhood Table is in need of volunteers for the following positions:
Kitchen Help
Duties include clean up and dishwashing. Meals are served every Thursday evening from 4:30-6 p.m. and the last two Tuesdays of the month from 4:30-6 p.m.
Meal Coordinator
Duties include planning the meal, verifying appropriate volunteer resources, and assisting in the preparation of the meal as needed. This person is the primary contact person between sponsor groups and the Neighborhood Table.
Time commitment is a couple of hours prior to the meal date working with the sponsor and four to six hours on the actual date of the meal, and are asked to help with a meal every four to six weeks.
Knowledge of food preparation and food safety for large groups is helpful.
Closing Volunteers
Help is needed at the end of every meal. Closing volunteers would assist in clean up and closing down after each meal.
This position is needed at every meal but could be done on a rotating basis.
For more information, contact the United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties Volunteer Center at 715-421-0390 or
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