For the City Times
WISCONSIN RAPIDS – City of Wisconsin Rapids Street Department workers will help local residents prepare for spring yard maintenance, with a yard waste pickup beginning the week of May 14-18.
To prepare for this pickup, residents should have yard waste bagged at the curb in front of their residence by May 13. To help City crews do their work as efficiently as possible, residents are requested to not have bags tied at the curb. The second brush pickup of the season will begin Monday, May 21. Residents are advised to pile brush in a neat and orderly fashion at the curb, limited to a maximum size of four feet high, six feet wide and ten feet long.
Throughout the spring and running through the middle of autumn, the City will make regular runs to pick up brush and trees during the last full workweek of each month. Crews will make only one trip through City neighborhoods on designated collection days. So, waste and/or brush should be placed curbside and be ready for collection on the Sunday prior to the week of pickup.
The full brush pickup schedule can be found at the City website,, under the Street Department. For more information, contact the City Garage at 715-421-8218.
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