By City Times staff
WISCONSIN RAPIDS – Wisconsin Rapids Mayor's Youth Council members have created a video to help promoting positivity while sending a message to local essential workers.
“The idea of the video first originated when members of the Mayor's Youth Council were brainstorming projects that we could do while still staying cautious and following safer-at-home orders,” said project lead, Claire Freeh. “Since there are so many people – both in our community and around the world –working to keep us safe and happy during this unfortunate time, we thought that the least we could do was thank them.
“I took the lead on this project and completed all of the editing work. I created a script, asked a few other MYC members to send videos of themselves reciting the lines, and put all of the clips together to make one big ‘thank you’ from all of us.”
Mayor's Youth Council members involved in the project include: Claire Freeh, Kaylie Marzofka, Alexis Heinen, Alyssa Banta, and Jillian Engelbright.
Freeh said the video was created to promote positivity, as well as showing gratitude to the area’s essential workers.
“By creating the video, we hoped that it would remind all essential workers of how grateful we are for their hard work and dedication to their communities,” she explained. “Just in our town of Wisconsin Rapids, we have seen so many helpful people that just want to make this situation easier for everyone.
“Also, because the MYC is an organization composed of high school students, we thought that it may be refreshing for workers to see that even younger people are acknowledging and are thankful for everything that they are doing. The video was just our way of doing what we could to spread positivity and inspire others to thank the essential workers in their lives. They really are the ones keeping the world running right now.”
Emily Kent and Mayor Shane Blaser serve as advisors for the Mayor’s Youth Council.
See the full video at
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