For the Rapids City Times
WISCONSIN RAPIDS -The Wisconsin Rapids School District Wrestling program celebrated another successful season of ‘Acts of Kindness’ by holding an awards presentation earlier this month.
Seventy eight wrestlers completed several hundred acts of kindness over the course of the district youth wrestling season.These acts of kindness ranged from helping relatives at home to teachers and classmates at school. Several students went above and beyond, finding truly impactful ways to help members of our community.
Hazel Holden, a first grader from THINK academy in Rudolph, won this year’s grand prize. “Hazel really liked working on the random acts of kindness and looked forward to deciding what to do each week,” shared her mom, Jennifer. “She thinks that it is important to be kind because being kind to others and helping others can make them smile and have a better day.”
Hazel’s grandma, who suffers from back problems, was in need of an extra hand, and Hazel jumped in to help, helping her bake and package several totes of baked goods for a local fundraiser raising money for kids in need.Hazel didn’t stop there; she also volunteered to help residents at a local assisted living facility by making beaded napkin clips, and colored pictures for an organization that sends them to those in need of a smile. She also found ways to help her teacher at school, and even her brother at home.”
Coaches began the program to highlight that wrestling is about so much more than what happens on the mat. Athletics provide youth with larger life lessons and opportunities for long term character development, self esteem, and confidence.
Local businesses helped sponsor the Acts of Kindness program, donating prizes to support the wrestlers who participated.“We’ve been encouraging this program for several years now and each year these local businesses offer some really great prizes to recognize the special things our athletes are doing,” said Coach Justin Tritz. “We couldn’t be more proud of the kids in our program for the truly impactful things they are doing, as well as our local businesses for supporting our local youth.”
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