Heart of Wisconsin to Host Legislative Breakfast
For the City Times
The Heart of Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Legislative Breakfast.
This event is slated for Friday, April 28, from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at Bull’s Eye Country Club. On tap will be the big news in Madison and around the state for the 2017-19 state budgets.
Now that Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) proposal is on the table, attention turns to the legislature and how it will rework the governor’s work. Long-time budget-watcher and President of the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance, Todd Berry, will take a nonpartisan look at state fiscal health and some of the likely budget sticking points, especially transportation finance.
For more information call 715-423-1830 or visit www.wisconsinrapidschamber.com. Bull’s Eye Country Club is located at 2800 Ridgewood Trail.