From the Publisher: New Year’s Day
Dear reader, New Year’s was originally celebrated by the Babylonians in 4000 BCE. The Roman Emperor Julius Caesar made it official in 46 BCE. ... -
From the Publisher: The Wonders of Christmas
Dear reader, When I think of Christmas I reminisce on the wonders as seen through the eyes of a child…the lights, the Christmas tree, ... -
From the Publisher: Thank who?
Dear reader, Each November, we gather with our closest friends and family to celebrate all the gifts bestowed upon us. After working hard all ... -
From the Publisher: Happy Veterans Day
Dear reader, Every year on Nov. 11 Americans honor Veterans Day, a day set aside to thank those military veterans who fought on behalf ... -
From the Publisher: Stand up for the Invisible Ones
Dear reader, If you are a regular reader of this column, you may have noticed that the plight of the homeless has my special ... -
From the Publisher: Homelessness
Dear reader, Have you ever been hungry – I mean really hungry, when you hadn’t had a meal all day or even longer? Have ... -
From the Publisher: Labor Day
Dear reader, Labor Day weekend is a busy time for a lot of businesses. Stores, hopefully our local stores that give back to our ... -
From the Publisher: Independence Day
Dear reader, The Fourth of July should connote special feelings for Americans. We can speak, pray, earn, spend, and live freely. When we live ... -
From the Publisher: Memorial Day – A Debt of Gratitude
Dear reader, On Memorial Day we remember the men and women who fought and died fighting on behalf of our country. It is a ... -
The Dawn of a New Year
Dear reader, Recently I was asked what has sustained me during this year of turmoil, upheaval, and – for many – tragedy. My answer ...