From the Publisher: Auld Lang Syne
Dear readers,
With the passing of the New Year we shut the door to the 2010-19 decade. A lot has happened in just 10 years: unemployment dropped to 3.5 percent, the US became the largest energy producer in the world, tech went from tiny to dominant, China rose to challenge the US, the EU lost its luster, the Dow closed above 28000, Hong Kong challenged China’s law to extradite people to the mainland and the Country just underwent the third ever impeachment of a President.
Individually each of us has experienced a lot as well: on our end, we had two marriages in our family, two daughters went to live abroad, four grandsons were born, both of my parents died, and our company reinvented itself several times.
Throughout it all there were good times and there were bad times. The tribulations and joys put the resilience of the human spirit on display. The joys were well savored because the tribulations were so hard.
Now we look toward a new decade with hope and aspirations. There’s a curious mixture of uncertainty and adventure in the air. Here’s to the new decade. May it be filled with peace and prosperity.
Patrick Wood