Wisconsin Rapids group promotes positivity in the city
By City Times staff
WISCONSIN RAPIDS – A Wisconsin Rapids-based group is working to promote positivity in the community through the sharing of kind actions, positive happenings, and the beauty of the area on Facebook.
The group is the concept of Kim Grover, who developed the page in March of 2019.
“I was in Applebee’s eating super having been served good food and receiving good service when I started reflecting on some of the negative things that I had seen on Facebook regarding the restaurant,” Grover said. “About that time I saw the manager out on the floor hustling and checking on customers. When they came by us I said how awesome it was to see him ‘feet on the street’ so to speak. I let him know that I was impressed with both the food and the service.
“He thanked me and went on to tell me how their ‘store’ had been No. 1 in their restaurant group for their service and shopability. I asked if they had contacted the local paper to share the good news, and they hadn’t.
“I expressed my concern and how you have to get the good news out there. For me that was polarizing. I hate to see someplace get a bad rap and not share the good also. Out of that, the first post was made.”
That first post ballooned into a nearly 2,000-member online presence called “Positively Wisconsin Rapids” – an online public group to promote positivity.
“Seemingly anyone can share bad news behind a screen, good news seems to be harder to find,” Grover added. “I want to make a place where there is only good about our community spoken and I work hard to keep it that way. I’m no “Pollyanna,” but like I said, only good to be shared on my site. I want to promote our community and how many good people and good things we have going on here. I think we are encouraging others to move here by what we are doing and that bodes nothing but good for our city and surrounding communities.”
Grover said that she is really strict on her admission to the group, requiring interested individuals to answer two questions before being allowed in: do you understand that this page is not to promote your own business interests and are you in agreement to only post positive comments and outlooks on our local community?
“I love to see posts of people helping people, and businesses helping people and other businesses,” she explained. “I also love seeing the good experiences that people have in local business, small business is a passion of mine. Both are things that are very near and dear to my heart.
“I just love this community and want to spotlight all the great that goes on. It takes a village and we all need to do our part.”
To join the group, find “Positively Wisconsin Rapids Wisconsin” on Facebook.