Letter: Gorski Will Bring Hard Work and Integrity Back to Madison
To the Editor:
I am writing this letter in support of David Gorski who is running for Assemblyman of the 72nd District.
As a retired educator, I have watched the current Walker administration strip power from the people of Wisconsin by opposing unions, promoting vouchers for private schools, weakening the DNR science division and giving millions to large corporations in tax breaks that have not resulted in the jobs Walker promised.
Gorski’s opponent, Assemblyman Scott Krug, has been a loyal soldier for Walker and his ALEC bosses, voting against the interests of students, teachers, working families and the environment. Krug has allowed out-of-state interests to advertise against Gorski by using deceitful, knowingly wrong information to paint Gorski as a “tax and spend” liberal.
I have known David Gorski for over 15 years. In his lifework as a Guidance Counselor at Nekoosa High School, David was instrumental in counseling hundreds of regular and special students and, for writing grants to help non-traditional students when he started the Nekoosa Academy.
Mr. Gorski’s dedication and knowledge of the public school system places him miles ahead of Walker’s political minions. Mr. Krug has voted for the extreme measures used by Walker to send public education money to private school Vouchers. This has hurt our education system and will take years to repair.
What is needed is a step-by-step approach where proponents of the great Wisconsin Public Schools, the environment and our much ignored infrastructure, begin to take back the Wisconsin legislature.
One of those proponents is David Gorski. Time to tell the corporate bosses to be responsible with our environment. Time our Legislators know that we are tired of them saying one thing and voting the opposite way.
Time to bring integrity and hard work to Madison — Time for David Gorski.
Kevin Stellman,
Wisconsin Rapids