Port Edwards Education Foundation Annual Meeting Report
For the City Times
The Port Edwards Education Foundation (PEEF) Board of Directors approved two important agenda items last week.
The first of which was the selection of officers for 2017 was presented and approved as follows:
President: Ed Heuer
Vice President: Corey Searles
Co. Treasures: Jay Grode and Karen Thiel
Secretary: Lisl Detlefson.
The following board members agreed to serve another three year term through the end of 2019:
Ed Heuer, Sharon Morell, Kathy Cronkrite, Sue Mitchell, and John Cronkrite.
President Heuer welcomed new board member John Cronkrite who is replacing retiring board member Michelle Smith. Heuer thanked Michelle for her nine years of service on the PEEF Board of Directors.
The second agenda item was completing and approving of the 2016 annual report. The annual report includes the president’s letter reflecting on PEEF’s accomplishments of the past year, a listing of the grants awarded to teachers in 2016, a listing of the individuals and organizations making donations to PEEF in 2016, and the financial statement for the past year. The report is being mailed out to all current year donors, recent year donors and Blackhawk Scramble participants.
Anyone desiring to view the complete report can contact Ed Heuer (715-887-3758) or Walter Iwanski (715-887-34630.