Wisconsin Rapids Area CROP Hunger Walk
For the City Times
On Sunday afternoon, May 1, 2016 at 1:00 pm beginning at the First Congregational Church 311 2nd St. So. Wisconsin Rapids, the Wisconsin Rapids CROP Hunger Walk will be held to show active concern for neighbors in need near and far.
The participants, ranging from newborns to nonagenarians, will be raising awareness and funds to change the world in real and measurable ways — digging wells that will bring clean water to villages; providing seeds and tools so that people can grow their own food; helping communities and families rebuild after disaster.
Whether it’s responding to flood and tornado damage in parts of the U.S., or helping to rebuild earthquake-damaged homes in Haiti, CROP Hunger Walks are making a difference.
CROP Hunger Walk funds will benefit the overall work and ministry of Church World Service — working around the world to help those in need help themselves through refugee assistance, self-help development programs, advocacy, and disaster relief.
25 percent of what is raised will help South Wood County Emergency Pantry and The Neighborhood Table in their important work here in the Wisconsin Rapids area.
Registration is at 12:30 p.m. You can register online today and gather sponsors or donate to CWS online at http://www.crophungerwalk.org/wiscrapidswi
For additional information, please contact Nekoosa United Church of Christ at 715-886-3371, Port Edwards Methodist Church at 715-887-3011 or First Congregational Church at 423-0350.