Police & Sheriff Calls Jan. 28
City Times Staff
Problem Child: At 11:35 a.m. a call was made from East Junior High School to request an officer in regards to a student who verbally threatened a teacher. A positive alternative is to be looked at and the incident has been closed.
Railroad Enthusiast: At 6:28 a.m. a call was places from a resident on the 800 block of Dura Beauty Ln regarding a trespassing. A vehicle was reported to drive onto her property, parks, and then follows the trains. The mystery is still open, however, the incident has been closed.
Get out!: At 5:28 p.m. a call was placed to dispatch to send an officer to the 90 block of Big Oak Rd. The complainants ex-girlfriend was at his residence and was causing a disturbance. He wanted her out. After dispatch called the resident back to confirm, there was no answer, and the incident has been closed.
Conercned Citizen: At 6:28 a.m. from the Bread & Butter gas station on 17th Ave. regarding a conversation overheard by the complainant in he parking lot. According to the complainant, people in a nearby vehicle were talking about being “strung out on meth” and this sparked concern on behalf of this citizen. The incident has since been closed.