Police & Sheriff Reports for Feb. 29
Hungry Prowler: At 12: 21 p.m. a call was placed from the 900 block of 9th St. South to dispatch regarding a possible prowler, who had been sitting in front of a house for two days straight. When an officer made contact, it was found that this person parks his car to eat lunch before heading to Mid-State for school. The incident is closed.
Texting Abuse: At 3:16 p.m. a call was made from the 500 block of 21st Ave. South regarding an ex-girlfriend who had been bothering him with calls and text messages. The woman agreed to stop calling and texting and the incident is closed.
To Drunk to Park: At 6:31 p.m. a call was made from a business on the 2500 block of W. Grand Ave. regarding a potentially intoxicated man who was having a hard time parking his vehicle, and upon doing so tried to purchase alcohol. An officer arrived to call a cab for the man, but received a ride home from a friend. The incident is closed.
Beer Thief: At 6:07 p.m. a call was placed to dispatch to the 1200 block of W. Grand Ave regarding a possible burglary. His back door was open when he came home and reported missing beer, fireworks, and a phone. A report has been filed and the incident is closed.