Police & Sheriff Calls for Jun. 27
Elderly Jaywalking: At 9:12 a.m. a call was made from the corner of 25th Ave. South and Gaynor Ave. regarding an elderly man with a walker walking down the middle of 25th Ave.
Troublesome Semi: At 4:30 a call was made from the corner of Spring St. and State Highway 54 regarding a semi truck sitting and blocking the left turn lane.
The Bird is the Word: A call was made from the 100 block of Spring St. regarding a complaint of cell phone harassment. In addition, anytime the caller sees the alleged harasser out in public, he “gives her the bird”.
Throwing Weapons: A call was made from the corner of Glendwood Heights and Sampson St. regarding that there were “people outside throwing weapons with smoke in the background” — They were reportedly loud and shining lights everywhere. Police found the subjects simply cooking in the backyard, and no weapons were found.