January Lunch and Learn: ‘Love & Language, Keeping Relationships Healthy’
City Times Staff
Make your lunch break and educational one.
January’s ‘Lunch & Learn’ will be held at the Wood County Courthouse on Wednesday, Jan. 11 from 12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. inside room 114.
This month’s topic is “Love & Language – and Other Tools to Keep Relationships Healthy”. This free seminar will be presented by Lisa Kegler, MS, LPC; Therapist at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin in Marshfield. Attendees are welcomed to bring their own lunch and take part in the presentation.
RSVP is not required, but encouraged. To RSVP, or for more information, please call 715-421-8437. The Wood County Courthouse is located at 400 Market St.