Wood County group to host groundwater panel discussion
For the City Times
WOOD COUNTY – A panel discussion on science and solutions for groundwater contamination in central Wisconsin will take place on Jan. 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the Nekoosa High School Auditorium, 500 S. Cedar St., Nekoosa.
Organized by the Wood County Citizens Groundwater Group, the event will feature panelists: Ken Bradbury from the Geological Natural History Survey, Mark Borchardt from the USDA, Sarah Yang from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Yi Wang from University of Wisconsin–Madison, Nancy Eggleston from Environmental Health for Wood, Adams and Juneau Counties, Andy Diercks from Coloma Farms, John Eron from Farmers of Mill Creek, Wisconsin Senator Patrick Testin, and Wisconsin Assembly Representatives Katrina Shankland and Scott Krug. The panel will be moderated by Gloria Kubisiak from League of Women Voters.
“Our sponsors wanted to bring all sides together,” said a spokesperson from the Wood County Citizens Groundwater Group, which organized the event. “The goal is to work together on solutions for groundwater contamination of the sensitive Central Sands soils.”