Hilltop Offers Free Alzheimer’s Support Group
A monthly Alzheimer’s support group hosted by Hilltop Affiliates, Inc., Assisted Living begins December 10.
The support group meets on the second Tuesday of each month through the month of July. Each session begins at 9:30 AM at the Aging and Disability Resource Center and is open to all family members, caregivers and anyone who has questions about Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. No cost or donation is required to attend.
Each session will have coffee, refreshments and time for discussion and sharing. Assistance is available in providing free respite care for dementia patients those interested can attend.
A guest speaker will be at each support group session to educate attendees on issues surrounding Alzheimer’s and dementia.
December 10
Mike Grotesend, Alpine Medical Supply
Topic: Home medical supplies and Medicare coverage
January 14
Kim Inda, Aging & Disability Resource Center
Topic: Services relating to dementia
February 11
Katrina or Stephen, Family Natural Foods
Topic: Stress busters and energy boosters for caregivers
March 10
Tasha Beestman, Alzheimer’s Association
Topic: Effective communication strategies
April 14
Mike Sullivan, Thrivent Financial
Topic: Long-term care insurance
May 12
Karen Bradbury, Park Place
Topic: Respite care/Park Place
June 9
Erin Johnson, Aging & Disability Resource Center
Topic: Becoming a dementia-friendly community
July 7
Sara McCormick, Wood County Sheriff’s Department
Topic: Project Lifesaver and Silver Alert
If you have questions, please call Anita Whetstone, facilitator at Hilltop Affiliates Inc., at 715-423-7400 or 715-892-8033.
The Aging and Disability Resource Center is located 220 Third Ave. S., Suite 1 in Wisconsin Rapids.